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Quick scan


> HumiTemp

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> Quick Scan

On behalf of climate analysis very fast measurements of the climate can be performed with sound. 
In one day inventories of the greenhouse climate can be made over a big area from top to bottom. In a few days you have the results. Also measurement equipment can be installed to monitor critical spots in your greenhouse or for continuously measuring of the overall greenhouse climate.


Quick Scan of the integral temperature distribution in the greenhouse

  • Based on a plan of the greenhouse a measuring plan will be made and discussed with the horticulturist;

  • Green label needs 25 measuring points per hectare. 
    The measurement with sound is performed at a multiply of this amount of points, made possible by the very high measurement speed. Needed measurement time is approximately 1 hour per hectare. 
    Simultaneously measurements are done at 3 heights in the greenhouse.

  • The measurements results are processed within a few days and temperature pictures are available of: 

    • The temperature distribution in the three above each other horizontal planes;

    • The temperature differences between the separate planes;

    • The vertical temperature course in and the relation between the measured gangways.

  • The results will be discussed with the horticulturist to get insight in the causes of abnormal climate behavior.

QuickScan in datacentre
QuickScan in datacentre


temperature distribution in greenhouse
temperature distribution in greenhouse